Guest Post–Pelvic Health with Marla Sukoff

Her students have greatly enjoyed Marla’s classes–which are ongoing via Zoom. Check the library calendar! Marla is happy to provide this information on pelvic health to all of us.



Whether we move through Yoga, Pilates, fitness, dance or sport, optimizing our performance is a common goal.  We all want to move with greater ease and control.
To me, that means finding our “center”, finding our “breath” and connecting the two.


Our “center” or “hub” of movement, is our pelvic floor, deep within our pelvis. 
Our pelvic floor can be viewed as a “Master Integrator” that coordinates the muscles both above and below our pelvis synergistically with our pelvic floors. 
Finding this “center” and learning to connect it with our “breath”, helps us to optimize coordination, balance and movement control. 


With the assistance of my many illustrations, handmade models (Penelope the Peaceful Pelvis), and demo’s (scarf demo), we learned all the anatomic basics during my 6-part FUNdamentals series- we explored all 3 layers in the pelvis, as well as muscles both above and below the pelvis that assist and work synergistically.

The first four sessions focused on the pelvic floor layers within the pelvis, which are harder to conceptualize, since we cannot see them move, and as beginners, may not yet feel movement “down there”. Visualization & Embodiment techniques and sensory feedback have been key to our learning. 
The last 2 sessions zoomed out from the pelvis, exploring SPINAL STABILIZERS (PF#5) and then the FEET (PF#6).  These sessions have encompassed larger movements through the body, and most folks find these a joyful delight after the more intense concentration required for the earlier sessions. 

Throughout the sessions, various props are used- for sensory feedback, to increase resistance, for self massage(ball rolling), to augment stretching and to assist with toning.


Now it is time to put away the illustrations and just MOVE!!!  Over the course of this 5-part PELVIC FLOOR FLOW SERIES, we will weave together the various mind body & energy techniques, exercises and sequences we have learned previously, into FLOW classes, in and around the chair- a full “power-packed” hour of Pelvic Floor!!! guaranteed to benefit!!!  Each class will be designed to balance both Relaxation and Toning to achieve a SUPPLE pelvic floor for optimal wellbeing. 
Each class will be themed differently to keep the classes stimulating, fun and vibrant! 
We will continue to use our collection of props. 

For those who have taken FUNdamentals, this will be a playful review, enticing you to keep on coming, to keep your practice going ( so easy to let it slide on your own.)
Consistency is important for maintenance.

For those who have not yet taken FUNdamentals, you too can join in the fun and just follow along with the FLOW!  Then, if you wish to deepen your knowledge and clarify further, you can supplement with past recordings( just ask).  My INTRO session is always available for complementary viewing on-demand in the CONTENT LIBRARY on


session #1- Jan 13-    Tying it all together to welcome in the New Year! 
session #2- Jan 27      Exploring more Yoga postures    
session #3- Feb 10-    Chakras (Yogic energy center awareness) 
session #4- Feb 24 -   Pranayama ( Yogic breath control practices) 
session #5- March 10- Qigong (gentle Chinese breath-based movement form)

suggested props: similar to those for FUNdamentals-
-2 yoga blocks ( or thick books, folded blanket/towels, paper towel rolls, cushions )-to   place feet on for better alignment  
-1-2” Koosh ball, or porcupine ball (or squishy ball, or rolled up end of yoga strap/bathrobe belt, or folded mask) - for sensory feedback of perineum
-yoga strap/bathrobe belt
-6”exercise ball ( or paper towel roll or cushion )
-theraband ( or strap or scarf)
-	3” softer ball x2 ( or rolled up athletic socks x2, or 2 folded hand towels) 
-	2 tennis balls ( or 2 oranges, or balls of yarn) 

Feedback, questions, comments always welcome!

with gratitude, 


“Marla and her pelvic floor classes are treasures! They have been very helpful to me in 
managing my bladder incontinence. She is a brilliant teacher.”  C.H.

“Your class was the absolute best! …Giving the simple internal activity with the external movements, made me much more mindful…. I was so energized after class! “   D.D.

“Words cannot express my gratitude for this class taught by such a fantastic teacher.
She makes complex things simple. This class has changed my life.
The zoom classes helped me get through the dark time of Covid.”  S.D. 

“Knowledge of our body through Marla’s exceptional techniques, which include many visual aides and clear and encouraging exercises, is vital to to our health throughout our lives. Her training in both Medical School and certification in Yoga makes her an excellent teacher. We are all grateful for her gracious devotion to training us. She welcomes questions, is available by email and is devoted to her students.”  L.A.

“Dr Sukoff is a great teacher. She explains things thoroughly using props & diagrams.
She then suggests several things to visualize when doing a movement so each individual can choose the one or ones that work best for them.  I started seeing results very early on in the instruction.”  J.W.

“She has been amazing at tailoring the program to the needs of various students. We are all so welcomed as individuals, and as a group, to ask for personal assistance, and she is so careful to ensure that everyone understands all aspects of what she is doing.
She really has a gift. “  S.M.


Author: maryj59

A librarian and writer from New England.

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